Administration Message

Dear students, parents, alumni, colleagues and all the stake holders,
At IITM we are making it imperative that we develop an ecosystem, both at the macro level and micro level that would facilitate creation of new technologies. We strongly believe that as an institutions of emerging technologies and programs, our primary goal is to develop such an ecosystem where students are encouraged to apply knowledge for practical purposes. So ,IITM is leading towards the path of transformation of students, not only be a competent professional but also a compassionate human being.
We believe in openness of mind, dignity of conduct and mutual respect in the background of social, economic, cultural, religious, and linguistic diversity and to develop the confident understanding of the role of the candidate in the diverse global society.
We would like exhort the students of the college who enter this portal, to make the best use of the facilities and faculties and become perfect, Engineers, Technologists, Technocrats , Managers , Pharmacists , Professionals in Health Sectors , Professionals in Multidisciplinary Areas and above all True Citizens and be 'unique' as a role model for others.
Welcome to the IITM Family!
Brig Sanjay K Singh (Retd)
Director - General
IITM Group of Institutions

I extend sincere and warm welcome to all Students, their Parents, Guardians and all Well-wishers of IITM Group of Institutions. We are striving to consolidate and achieve our long term objective to produce value based professionals imbibing in them greatest values of human life, take part in nation building by their service. The core program of study is not only proposed for attaining knowledge, but to support student’s spiritual, moral and creative development to make them fit for the opportunities, responsibilities and understanding of life. We empower today’s generation to act rightly and effectively.
This has been possible through the consistency and commitment towards providing quality education at an affordable fees and a flexible learning approach. I am sure that the new entrants will be in safer hands, because we are committed towards creating a vibrant community of value creators for our country.
Sh.Surinder Khurana
Administrative Officer
IITM Group of Institutions
International Institute of Technology and Management

It gives me great pleasure to invite you to take an initial peek into the heart that beats behind the appealing façade of International Institute of Technology and Management. I thank you for your interest in this exceptional institution which has recorded Eleven decades of constant development, in the course of which it has accomplished much, making it one of the colleges recognized for its excellence and therefore, much sought after by the fresh applicants.
The International Institute of Technology and Management tradition happily brings together sound academic achievement with an extensive, vibrant co-curricular programme that includes sports, and leadership training programmes. Our mission is to inculcate the love of knowledge in our students and, for this; we aim to develop the skills and demeanor of lifelong ‘learning,’ essential for making responsible global citizens. This will make them immensely capable of facing the future with resilience and optimism. On the deeper level, we try to instill the values of respect and trust in relationships that are the foundation of real success.
Our curriculum and practices are consistently reviewed to ensure that we are following the most updated best practices, meeting all regulations, and addressing the future needs of our students. Our staff consistently follows current trends and after brainstorming over the best plan of action to incorporate those trends, we zero in on the ones that are most appropriate to our classrooms. The system of education has become so dynamic that it is no longer enough to connect the dots, we need to think out of the box and think beyond a pattern.
At IITM then, we believe that ‘education’ is a wholesome, holistic exercise and as such we strive to give a whole new meaning to the word. Coupling this basic premise with the idea of a sense of belonging to one family—the IITM family—we look at ourselves as ‘care-givers.’ We care for the mind—ours is a sterling academic institution; we care for the person—the accent is on the all-round development of personality. I wish you the best in the process of seeking to become a part of this family.
Dr.Pawan Paruthi
International Institute of Technology and Management

I welcome bright minds to IITM College of Pharmacy, Murthal with immense pleasure and a sense of pride!
IITM College of Pharmacy has a strong foundation of value based education integrated with best academic practices that will provide Pharmacy Education with in-depth focus, along with development of personality and communication skills.
Our vision is to nurture talent through regular co-curricular activities along with excellence in academics. The academic ecosystem strives to blend modernity with tradition in every student with the mission to train future pharmacists serving the society. Pharmaceutical sector has expanded immensely and there are a lot of opportunities in modern times such as Clinical Research, Pharmacovigilance, Nanotechnology, Drug Discovery, Molecular Biology, Phytochemistry and so on. An understanding of these developments and capacity to analyze & respond to such changes are some of the capabilities that are inculcated in our students. We train youngsters into well equipped Pharmacists, who are ready to face the Professional world with confidence and dignity.
Even as we impart education to match the advancement in technology and globalization, we march our students ahead with ethos of moral values and principles. We pride ourselves to help them grow and develop into sensitive and responsible citizens of the future.
Being the Principal of IITM College of Pharmacy, I represent the diligent faculty and staff of our college, whose sincerity and spirit makes it, what it is. It is my constant endeavour to proliferate an environment of mutual respect within the college, in pursuit of a shared ambition I hope to extend the journey of our college on the path of greatness.
On behalf of management of IITM College of pharmacy and on my own I wish success to all students in their future endeavours.
Dr. Manju Kamra
IITM College of Pharmacy